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South Africa

    South Africa has a multiracial society, with more than 12 spoken languages. It has an ethnically divided population, with Black Africans composing 80.8%, followed by those classified as Coloured 8.8%, White 7.8%, and Asian/other 2.6% (2020 est.: Encyclopaedia Britannica 2023). South Africa’s long and brutal colonial history coupled with one of systematic racial ordering and discrimination ended with the demise of the Apartheid regime after a long political struggle. However, race continues to occupy major social and cultural importance, with South Africans continuing to live in socio-economic and political spheres fractionalised along racial lines. Racial classification continues to order society through race, for example, the term “coloured” is still being used including on the national census for persons of mixed-race ancestry (CIA Factbook, 2020). This has wider social implications for intercultural relations. Although schools provide an essential chance for inter-racial engagement for middle-class children, there has been minimal racial integration in residential neighbourhoods, with adverse impacts on low-income or working-class populations (Seekings 2008, 2011).

    South Africa has had high levels of immigration in recent years because of its strong economy and relative political stability, attracting migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees from both within and outside southern Africa. This has increased the number of international migrants from two to four million between 2010 and 2019, accounting for 7% of the country’s population (IOM 2020). However, over the past decade violence and discrimination against immigrants has surged due to nationwide xenophobic attacks. The government has taken substantial steps in combating discrimination mainly by promoting equality and prevention of unfair discrimination through the 2000 Equality Act, Act No. 4, a comprehensive anti-discrimination law in South Africa. This Act prevents the government, as well as private organisations and individuals, from discriminating unfairly, and outlaws hate speech and harassment (Pityana 2003).

    Legislative Dimension0.67
    Structural Dimension0.34
    Social Contact0.05
    Access to communication0.22
    Cohesion and Stability0.45
    Opportunities Dimension0.76
    Freedoms and Rights0.80
    ICDI Score0.59
    Note: Higher values indicate score that are more favourable.

    South Africa has achieved an overall ICDI score of 0.59. Scores above 0.8 in the components of inclusion (minority representation) and freedoms and rights contribute to a relatively favourable opportunities dimension. A score of 1.0 in the component of anti-discrimination reflects the emphasis placed on anti-discriminatory laws and policies at a national level. In contrast, lower scores in the components social contact, fractionalization, and access to communication contribute to a weaker structural dimension signalling the lack of tools and support available to promote intergroup interactions and social cohesion.

    Compared to its moderately positive situation in relation to the opportunities and legislative dimensions, South Africa has low scores contributing to its structural dimension. These are particularly related to the components of social contact and access to communication. South Africa’s ICDI score could improve with more attention to tourist arrivals and conserving heritage sites which would aid in creating opportunities for exposure and contact amongst the different groups. Shared access to media and communication amongst different groups can also aid in enhancing existing access to communication, particularly to those who reside outside of urban areas. South Africa can also strengthen its legislative dimension by increasing its attention to formulate and implement laws and policies related to promoting multiculturalism.